Presentation of the Pre-Release Gas Target Model:<br>The MECOS Model
Presentation of the Pre-Release Gas Target Model:<br>The MECOS Model
As contribution to the Florence School of Regulation study on a
European Gas Target Model
In preparation of the 3rd workshop on the European gas target model on 11 April 2011 in London, all interested stakeholders were kindly invited to join a livestream presentation of the proposed MECO Model. Here you may watch the recorded livestream and the presentation for download. Recording from Thursday 7 April from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Note : to view in full-screen-mode, please move the cursor over the video-window and click the symbol on the right named "Full".
<#comment comment=" <table class="standardDownloadItem" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="50"><a target="_blank" href="/documents/1785851/1811042/20110404-Gas-Target-Model-MECOS-Model-3-7-pre-release.pdf/7b1cddc7-aaff-4bc6-926c-9dca5bb509a7?t=1413908392229"><img alt="" src="/appl/img/layout/icons/icon_download_pdf.gif" /></a></td> <td><a target="_blank" href="/documents/1785851/1811042/20110404-Gas-Target-Model-MECOS-Model-3-7-pre-release.pdf/7b1cddc7-aaff-4bc6-926c-9dca5bb509a7?t=1413908392229"><span class="downloadTitle">Pre-Release Gas Target Model: The MECOS Model</span></a><br /> <a target="_blank" href="/documents/1785851/1811042/20110404-Gas-Target-Model-MECOS-Model-3-7-pre-release.pdf/7b1cddc7-aaff-4bc6-926c-9dca5bb509a7?t=1413908392229">20110404-Gas-Target-Model-MECOS-Model-3-7-pre-release.pdf</a> - 388.8kB</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>">