
The Austrian electricity market was liberalised on 1 October 2001. Electricity is no longer supplied by monopolistic, vertically integrated companies but is instead organised through the close coordination of a whole range of market players. The processes, relationships and cooperation between these market participants operate in line with the market rules.

The following types of players participate in the Austrian electricity market:
  • Control area operators (CAOs)
  • Imbalance settlement responsibles (ISRs)
  • Transmission system operators (TSOs)
  • Balancing responsible parties (BRPs)
  • Distribution system operators (DSOs)
  • Suppliers
  • Generators
  • Electricity wholesalers, retailers and traders
As the regulator it is for E-Control to create fair conditions for competition in the electricity sector. The Austrian regulatory regime is designed to be transparent and non-discriminatory. Decisions are taken in consultation with all concerned.

The content in this area of our site is chiefly designed for market participants. It contains the documents, data and information they need to comply with the rules of the Austrian electricity market. If you are interested in the Austrian electricity and natural gas markets from a household consumer or business consumers perspective, please consult the corresponding areas of our website.
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