Consultation Coordinated Network Development Plan and Long-Term Planning 2020
Pursuant to Section 63 (1) of the Austrian Gas Act 2011 (GWG 2011), the Market Area Manager has the task, in coordination with the transmission system operators and taking into account the long-term planning (LFP), to draw up a coordinated network development plan (KNEP) once a year.
According to § 22 GWG 2011, the Distribution Area Manager has the task of creating an LFP once a year for the distribution system pursuant to Annex 1 of the GWG 2011.
When developing the network expansion tools, account should be taken of technical and economic appropriateness, the interests of all market participants and coherence with the Community-wide ten years network development plan (TYNDP).
Pursuant to Section 64 (2) of the GWG 2011, the regulatory authority must consult with the organisation representing the network users' interest before approving the network development plan. Therefore, you will find below the drafts of the KNEP 2020 and the LFP 2020 for commentary to be delivered no later than 8 January 2021 cob.
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