CEER was established by a gentlemen’s agreement between national energy regulatory authorities in 2000. In 2002, with the assistance of E-Control, it became a not-for-profit association under Belgian law. Brussels was chosen as the residence of CEER’s secretariat to enable interaction with the concerned EU institutions. 

In contrast to ACER, as a voluntary association, CEER is more flexible in terms of adding (new) topics to its work programme and consequently, it can share the knowledge thus gained with ACER. CEER’s position papers and decisions are listed on their website.
Since 2018, CEER is managed by Wolfgang Urbantschitsch and four other board members. It is headed by a president. 

With its expert knowledge and manpower, E-Control has supported CEER from the beginning. Wolfgang Urbantschitsch, Executive Director of E-Control, points out: “E-Control remains a very active participant at European level and it also holds leading positions in several CEER groups. Even though Austria is a small country, we see it as our responsibility to contribute to the development of the Internal Energy Market not only at national but also at international level”.