E-Control Executive Board
E-Control is headed by its Executive Directors, Prof. DI Dr. Alfons Haber, MBA and Dr. Wolfgang Urbantschitsch, LL.M, who were appointed by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) as of 25 March 2021.
Dr. Wolfgang Urbantschitsch, LL.M. (left) and Prof. DI Dr. Alfons Haber, MBA
The responsibilities of E-Control's Executive Board include
- Fulfilling the tasks entrusted to E-Control Austria by virtue of the E-Control-Gesetz (E-Control Act)
- Representing the regulator towards third parties
- Managing the regulator
- Accountability towards the authority's bodies
- Setting the regulator's goals and policies
- Public relations
- Supporting the Regulation Commission
- Representing E-Control and/or Austria in international and European institutions