The EU energy infrastructure package

(Update September 2023)

  • The EU's energy infrastructure package - overview
  • Projects of common interest (PCIs)
  • Risk-related incentives


The so-called “EU energy infrastructure package” has been in force since 2013. It is the Regulation (EU) No 347/2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure, updatet with REGULATION (EU) 2022/869 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 30 May 2022 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure, amending Regulations (EC) No 715/2009, (EU) 2019/942 and (EU) 2019/943 and Directives 2009/73/EC and (EU) 2019/944, and repealing Regulation (EU) No 347/2013 which aims to support  countries in their implementation of energy infrastructure projects. These projects are crucial for Europe to reach its energy and climate goals, to complete the Internal Energy Market and enhance the security of energy supply in the EU. 

Projects of common interest (PCIs)

The Infrastructure Regulation contains a process for identifying projects of common interest (PCIs) that are a central piece for the realisation of the trans-European energy infrastructure priority corridors and areas. Under this framework, energy infrastructure includes in particular:

Projects that are granted PCI status potentially qualify for a variety of preferential treatment measures under the Infrastructure Regulation. These are briefly explained below.

  • Accelerated permit granting
  • Improved regulatory treatment (risk related incentives, cross border cost allocation)
  • Financial support (grants for works and studies)

Risk-related incentives

Where project promoters incur higher risks for the development, construction, operation or maintenance of a PCI, compared to the risks normally incurred by a comparable infrastructure project, Article 17(6) of the Infrastructure Regulation stipulates that the member states and national regulatory authorities shall ensure that appropriate incentives are granted to the project.

According to Article 17(6) of the Infrastructure Regulation, each national regulatory authority must publish its methodology and the criteria used to evaluate investments in electricity and gas infrastructure projects and the higher risks incurred by them.