Dispute settlement service

Already in 2002, E-Control set up a dedicated dispute settlement service to assist electricity and gas customers if they encounter difficulties with their system operator or supplier. This service has been a cornerstone of our consumer services from the very beginning. In 2016, the service was strengthened: whenever it works on disputes between consumers under the Konsumentenschutzgesetz (Consumer Protection Act) and electricity or gas undertakings, it now acts as a formal ADR body, notified as such to the European Commission by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection. The rules of procedure for E-Control’s dispute settlement service have been revised in light of this new situation. When the service acts as a mediator among companies, these revised rules apply, but it acts on the “old” legal basis.


How to contact E-Control’s dispute settlement service

Tel.: +43 1 24724-444
Fax: +43 1 24724-900
E-mail: schlichtungsstelle@e-control.at
E-Control Austria
Schlichtungsstelle (Dispute settlement service)
Rudolfsplatz 13a, 1010 Vienna