Gas Market Code


Chapter 1 (0.3 MB)

  • Definitions


Chapter 5 (17.0 MB)

  • Technical documentation of business processes, data formats and data exchange

Chapter 5 - Explanatory Notes (8.0 MB)

  • Explanatory notes on chapter 5 of the Gas Market Code, including information on EDA implementation and cost sharing


Chapter 7 (comes into force on 1st Jan. 2016) (20.0 MB)

  • Electronic exchange of billing information

* Please note: All these documents contain non-binding English versions of (legal) texts. They are provided for the reader’s convenience only and in no way constitute legally binding documents. E-Control assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy, correctness or completeness of the text in these documents or any parts thereof. For a binding version of the legal texts, please refer to the relevant Bundesgesetzblatt (Federal Law Gazette).

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