Smart Grids – E-Control information event
Smart Grids – E-Control information event
E-Control is involved in Austrian and international smart grids initiatives and contributes to discussions aimed at developing a European smart grids strategy. Smart grids are all about effectiveness: in planning, expansion, operation and maintenance of networks | Here you can find: |
Video clips from the presentations
Presentation: Smart Grids aus regulatorischer Sicht (The regulatory view on smart grids), Walter Boltz, E-Control (German)
Presentation: Smart grids in the international context, Manuel Sanchez-Jimenez, European Commission
Presentation: The European network operators' view on smart grids, Gunnar Lorenz, EURELECTRIC
Presentation: The situation in Austria, Walter Tentschert, Energie AG (German)
Presentations for download
Presentation: Smart Grids aus regulatorischer sicht (The regulatory view on smart grids) Walter Boltz, Managing Director of E-Control e-control-smart-grid-09032010-walter-boltz.pdf - 1317.1kB (German only) |
Presentation: Smart Grids - Situation in Österreich (smart grids in Austria) Walter Tenschert, Energie AG Oberösterreich Netz GmbH Tenschert_SituationAT_Auszug.pdf - 2453.1kB (German only) |
<#comment comment=" <table class="standardDownloadItem" border="0"> <tbody> <td width="50"><a target="_blank" href="/documents/1785851/1811183/e-control-smart-grid-09032010-walter-tenschert-situation-in-oesterreich.pdf/82bbfb13-8501-4efa-a7d7-f77e00958f53?t=1413904453838"><img alt="" src="/appl/img/layout/icons/icon_download_pdf.gif" /></a></td> <td><a target="_blank" href="/documents/1785851/1811183/e-control-smart-grid-09032010-walter-tenschert-situation-in-oesterreich.pdf/82bbfb13-8501-4efa-a7d7-f77e00958f53?t=1413904453838"><span class="downloadTitle">Präsentation: Situation in Österreich</span></a><br /> Walter Tenschert, Energie AG<br /> <a target="_blank" href="/documents/1785851/1811183/e-control-smart-grid-09032010-walter-tenschert-situation-in-oesterreich.pdf/82bbfb13-8501-4efa-a7d7-f77e00958f53?t=1413904453838">e-control-smart-grid-09032010-walter-tenschert-situation.pdf</a> - 5490.1kB</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ">
Fig 1: Walter Boltz, Managing Director E-Control | Fig 2: Walter Boltz, Managing Director E-Control |
Fig 3: Walter Boltz, Managing Director E-Control | Fig 4: Manuel Sanchez-Jimenez, European Commission |
Fig 5: Manuel Sanchez-Jimenez, European Commission | Fig 6: Gunnar Lorenz, EURELECTRIC |
Fig 7: Gunnar Lorenz, EURELECTRIC | Fig 8: Walter Tenschert, Energie AG |
Fig 9: Walter Tenschert, Energie AG | Fig 10: Tahir Kapetanovic, E-Control |
Fig 11: Audience at the event | Fig 12: Panel |
Video clips for download
Video: Presentation by Walter Boltz Regulatorische Rahmenbedingungen (the regulatory framework) walter-boltz-20100309_10min.wmv - 116981.4kB (German only) |
Discussion forum
Click here for E-Control's new discussion forum on smart grids