Year 2014
Year 2014
Data updated: September 2014The monthly electricity balance is based on the measured gross production in (big) power stations, both of the public supply as of auto producers. To this data on a yearly base are collected for smaller units of both public and auto producers so that the production can be broken down by type of plant and by primary energy input.
The physical imports and exports are reported on a quarter-hourly basis as are the injection into the public grid, the consumption for pumped storage and the delivery to the end user in the public grid.
Data for 2014 may be subject to changes due either to data revisions or to the second clearing.
Please quote E-Control as data-source.
Public Grid
The monthly balance for the public grid breaks the consumption down into the use for the internal market and for final consumption. This corresponds to the final energy consumption according to the energy balance but in addition also includes the electricity consumption of the energy sector(s). The production side is subdivided by type of power plant.
Total Electricity Supply
In addition to the data for the public grid, auto-producers have to report monthly or annually, depending on their size, the production, consumption and the exchange with the public grid. The grouping of both the consumption and the production sides is the same as for the public grid.
Generation in Austria
Energy Capability Factor for run-of-river plants
Big reservoirs at end of month
Fuel Stocks at end of month
For more detailed results as well as for time series please refer to the pages in German.