Coordinated network development plan and the long-term plan 2013
Coordinated network development plan and the long-term plan 2013
Pursuant to section 63(1) Gaswirtschaftsgesetz (Natural Gas Act) 2011, one of the market area manager's tasks is to draw up a coordinated network development plan once a year, in coordination with the transmission system operators and having regard to the long-term plan.For the distribution area manager, section 22 Natural Gas Act 2011 stipulates the duty to draw up a long-term plan for the distribution systems pursuant to annex 1 of the Act once a year.
In drawing up these plans, technical and economic expediency, the interests of all market participants and consistency with the Community-wide network development plan are to be taken into account.
Please note that only the executive summary of the draft Coordinated Network Development Plan is available in English, all other documents are available in German only.