New gas market model 2013
New gas market model 2013
In the interest of transparency as well as for the purposes of preparation and documentation of the new gas market model, which will come into force on 1 January 2013, here you will find English-language information about:Latest:
Consultation of the Gas Market Code chapter 3
Chapter 3 of the Gas Market Code needs to be amended to reflect the changes to the General terms and conditions of the Market Area Manager.Below please find the draft chapter 3 for consultation. It is in track changes compared to the version currently in force in order to show the changes. The changes relate to provisions regarding the carry forward account. The consultation closes on 16 May 2013. Please send any comments to . Please note that consultation responses will be published.
GMMO Ordinance Draft Amendement 2013
Guideline on a day-ahead capacity allocation mechanism at the Austrian/Italian border
On 28 February 2013 the Italian and Austrian regulatory authorities – Autorità per l’Energia Elettrica e il Gas and E-Control Austria - approved a set of provisions in order to define a framework for the implementation of the day ahead capacity allocation of bundled products at Austrian- Italian border by the TSOs (TAG GmbH and Snam Rete Gas) by 1 April 2013.Gas Market Model [Amendment] Ordinance 2012
Description of the method
Gas System Charges Ordinance 2013
Please find below a non-binding English version of the Gas System Charges Ordinance 2013 issued by E-Control's Regulation Commission. The relating explanatory note is only available in German.Gas Market Code
The new gas market code is made up of four chapters. Non-binding English translations are available of the following:Important information on the registration of balance responsible parties
The intention of § 170(3) of the Natural Gas Act is to ensure that balance responsible parties (BRPs) conclude their registration in time for the new market model to be applied as of 1 January 2013. In the new system, BRPs must register with the market area manager Gas Connect Austria GmbH. All BRPs are therefore kindly asked to register in a timely manner; this can also be done after 10 September 2012. points in the entry/exit system from 01/01/2013
Pursuant to section 39 para. 2 Gaswirtschaftsgesetz (Natural Gas Act) 2011, BGBl. (Federal Law Gazette (FLG)) I no 107/2011 in conjunction with section 7 para. 1 Energie-Control-Gesetz (E-Control Act), FLG I no 110/2010 as amended by the Federal Act in FLG I no 107/2011, the Executive Board of E-Control Austria has approved the below entry and exit points. In the future, all information relevant for bookings in the market area pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 will be made available through the market area manager's online platform in accordance with section 39 Natural Gas Act 2011.Relevant points of Gas Connect Austria GmbH:
Entry points: | Baumgarten GCA Überackern ABG Überackern SUDAL |
Exit points: | Mosonmagyaróvár Murfeld Petrzalka Überackern ABG Überackern SUDAL |
Relevant points of BOG GmbH:
Entry points: | Baumgarten BOG Oberkappel |
Exit points: | Baumgarten BOG Oberkappel |
Relevant points of TAG GmbH:
Entry points: | Baumgarten TAG Arnoldstein |
Exit points: | Arnoldstein |
Concerning the Überackern 7fields and Baumgarten MAB points, please note that these are the points where, on the one hand, the 7fields storage facility will be connected to the GCA transmission system and, on the other, the storage facility of Slovak storage system operators Pozagas a.s. and Nafta a.s. will be connected to the BOG transmission system in the eastern market area. As a result of the stipulations in section 74 para. 2 Natural Gas Act 2011, capacity on lines that connect storage facilities are to be booked only by storage system operators that manage natural gas storage facilities. Therefore, in line with point 3.2 of the Guidelines on Regulation (EC) No 715/2009, these are not to be considered relevant points.
<#comment comment="<h2>Konsultation zu den Anträgen auf Genehmigung der maßgeblichen Punkte gem. § 39 Abs. 2 GWG 2011</h2> <span class="fliesstext_normal">Nachfolgend finden Sie die Anträge der Fernleitungsnetzbetreiber zur Genehmigung der maßgeblichen Punkte gem. § 39 Abs. 2 GWG 2011, die gem. Artikel 18 Abs. 4 der Verordnung (EG) 715/2009 einer Konsultation zu unterziehen sind. Wir ersuchen Sie, allfällige Stellungnahmen an die Adresse <a href=""></a> bis zum 11. Juni 2012 zu übersenden und weisen Sie darauf hin, dass Stellungnahmen auf der Website veröffentlicht werden. <table class="standardDownloadItem" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="50"><a target="_blank" href="/documents/1785851/1811042/Antrag+GCA+V+MPU+G+01_12.pdf/93f2e112-7c35-43a3-8ee4-91ec0f0c45d1?t=1413910071864"><img alt="" src="/appl/img/layout/icons/icon_download_pdf.gif" /></a></td> <td><a target="_blank" href="/documents/1785851/1811042/Antrag+GCA+V+MPU+G+01_12.pdf/93f2e112-7c35-43a3-8ee4-91ec0f0c45d1?t=1413910071864"><span class="downloadTitle">Antrag Gas Connect Austria</span></a><br /> <a target="_blank" href="/documents/1785851/1811042/Antrag+GCA+V+MPU+G+01_12.pdf/93f2e112-7c35-43a3-8ee4-91ec0f0c45d1?t=1413910071864">Antrag GCA V MPU G 01_12.pdf</a> - 148.2kB</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="standardDownloadItem" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="50"><a target="_blank" href="/documents/1785851/1811042/V+MPU+G+02_12+Antrag+ma%C3%9Fgebliche+Punkte+TAG.pdf/42287f40-9305-46f4-91f4-70a7ae3803c8?t=1413910773920"><img alt="" src="/appl/img/layout/icons/icon_download_pdf.gif" /></a></td> <td><a target="_blank" href="/documents/1785851/1811042/V+MPU+G+02_12+Antrag+ma%C3%9Fgebliche+Punkte+TAG.pdf/42287f40-9305-46f4-91f4-70a7ae3803c8?t=1413910773920"><span class="downloadTitle">Antrag TAG GmbH</span></a><br /> <a target="_blank" href="/documents/1785851/1811042/V+MPU+G+02_12+Antrag+ma%C3%9Fgebliche+Punkte+TAG.pdf/42287f40-9305-46f4-91f4-70a7ae3803c8?t=1413910773920">V MPU G 02_12 Antrag maßgebliche Punkte TAG.pdf</a> - 111.8kB</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="standardDownloadItem" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="50"><a target="_blank" href="/documents/1785851/1811042/Antrag+BOG+V+MPU+G+03_12+ma%C3%9Fgebliche+Punkte.pdf/10c91bfc-29a2-4ef9-831a-681b2d79a798?t=1413910019310"><img alt="" src="/appl/img/layout/icons/icon_download_pdf.gif" /></a></td> <td><a target="_blank" href="/documents/1785851/1811042/Antrag+BOG+V+MPU+G+03_12+ma%C3%9Fgebliche+Punkte.pdf/10c91bfc-29a2-4ef9-831a-681b2d79a798?t=1413910019310"><span class="downloadTitle">Antrag BOG GmbH</span></a><br /> <a target="_blank" href="/documents/1785851/1811042/Antrag+BOG+V+MPU+G+03_12+ma%C3%9Fgebliche+Punkte.pdf/10c91bfc-29a2-4ef9-831a-681b2d79a798?t=1413910019310">Antrag BOG V MPU G 03_12 maßgebliche Punkte.pdf</a> - 151.5kB</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> "> <#comment comment="<a target="_self" href="/market_players/natural-gas/market-rules/market-rules-amendment/events/final-report">"> * Disclaimer: This document contains a non-binding English version of a (draft) (legal) text. It is provided for the reader’s convenience only and in no way constitutes a legally binding document. E-Control assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy, correctness or completeness of the text in this document or any parts thereof.