Registration and re-registration procedure

Information on site registration and re-registration

You have to register or re-register if you do not yet have a valid supply contract — for instance, if you have opened a new site or moved into existing premises where you will need electricity. This is different from a supplier switch, where you already have a supplier but wish to change to a different one. For details of the latter procedure look up supplier switching .

Moving into new premises

The liberalisation of the electricity market in 2001 has led to the separation of the system operation and supply functions. As a result electricity consumers today have two separate contracts — a system access contract with the distribution system operator and a supply contract with the electricity supplier.
This means that you always need two different contractual partners for your electricity supply:
  • The supplier: the company that procures the electrical energy needed to supply you.
  • The system operator: the company that operates the network, i.e. the power lines, via which you are supplied.
In the case of a new building you also need:
  • A licensed electrical contractor to determine the capacity needed, select the equipment and carry out the installation work at your premises, among other things.
Your system operator will provide you with all the information you need on making your electricity connection.

Obtaining a new connection

  1. Look for a suitable electricity supplier. A method that takes little time and costs nothing is E-Control's Tariff Calculator (German only). However, it cannot make price comparisons beyond an annual demand of 100,000 kWh, and as a result it currently only includes about 20 companies that serve large consumers. Many suppliers offer bespoke rates and discounts to consumers whose demand exceeds 100,000 kWh — which often have load profile meters. If your company falls into this category you should approach your supplier of preference directly.
  2. Contact the system operator responsible for your grid zone and notify it that you require system admission.
  3. The first step is for the system operator to connect your site to the electricity network. This process is referred to as network admission. Your system operator will tell you what documentation, e.g. a contractor's report, is required to make the connection.
  4. You should also contact the electricity supplier of your choice as soon as possible, and make a supply agreement with it. You cannot be provided with electricity until you have done this.
  5. For the physical connection to be made, your system operator must also install a meter at your premises, to record your electricity consumption.
  6. Conclude a contract, known as a system access contract, with your system operator. This contains all the details required to enable electricity supply.
  7. As soon as the necessary documentation has been received, you have a system access contract and have concluded a supply contract with the supplier of your choice, your power can start to flow.

Moving into an existing building

If you move into a building where there is an existing power connection you need to do the following:
  1. Look for a suitable electricity supplier. A method that takes little time and costs nothing is E-Control's Tariff Calculator (German only). However, it cannot make price comparisons beyond an annual demand of 100,000 kWh, and as a result it currently only includes about 20 companies that serve large consumers. Many suppliers offer bespoke rates and discounts to consumers whose demand exceeds 100,000 kWh — which often have load profile meters. If your company falls into this category you should approach your supplier of preference directly.
  2. Contact the electricity supplier of your choice and ask for a contract form, or where possible, simply visit its website and print out the form. In some cases when you find a supplier in the Tariff Calculator you can download the contract form straight away.
  3. Complete and sign the contract form, and send it to the electricity supplier.
  4. At the same time, see to the system access contract. Ask your system operator for this, and also tell it which new electricity supplier you have selected.
  5. Only if you conclude both agreements in good time will your power supply be in place when you move in.
  6. Make sure that the meter reading is correct. Unless you have a — remotely read — load profile meter, either the system operator will have your meter read when you move in or you can read the meter yourself and report the reading to the system operator, e.g. by phone.

Contact details

If you have any questions or suggestions don't hesitate to contract us at